Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Pinterest? No? Well, let me just tell you. I love it a lot.

  •  I love getting ideas that I can recreate. I am all about stealing ideas from others!
  •  I love getting recipes that I know real people out there have tried.
  •  I love the fact that several times a week my Facebook friends will post on the group, that I set up, and tell everyone of a recipe they tried, if it was good or not.
  •  I find it funny that on a recent trip to Hobby Lobby I saw several other people with Mod Podge and scrapbook paper in their carts. 

Here is something that I threw together because I got an initial idea from Pinterest

  •  I got the idea about using Epsom Salts under and around candles from Pinterest and the rest I actually came up with on my own. And I am proud.
  • I put everything on a red charger to tie it all together. 
  • The 2 smaller candles are in glasses that I have had for years. I think they were from some promotion where you buy something and you get them free. Maybe McDonald's. Maybe Kroger. Maybe I am making that part up, I don't really recall. 
  • Then I bought a pick of greenery and red berries, cut them up and placed it around the base of the candles. I think it ties in the berries and greenery on the glasses perfectly.

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